Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Mr. Cliff Eley: At the Eley Law Firm, we work to maximize the benefits you receive and to take into account all the sources of income that you’ve lost.

When you’re injured on the job, you might feel that the insurance company is on your side. But if you’re just talking to the claims adjuster, you may not be fully aware of the benefits that you’re entitled to. For example, if you’re unable to return to work, you’re entitled to two-thirds of your average weekly wage. But what you’re often not told is that includes your overtime. And if you’re working a second job that you can’t return to, it includes the wages you would’ve made there. It also includes such things as room and board and lost insurance benefits.

This is probably your first experience in the workers’ compensation system. You need to know that the claims adjuster is in an adversarial relationship to you and has many years of experience and does this work every day.

This difference in experience can put an injured worker at a real disadvantage. At the Eley Law Firm, we use our experience to level the playing field so that you get the benefits that you need.

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