If You Have Questions, Ask A Lawyer Who Is On Your Side
It is an insurance adjuster’s responsibility to minimize his employer’s (the insurance company’s) liability. To meet that responsibility, the adjuster will be looking for any doubts about your workplace injury or any indication that you might be willing to accept a quick but inadequate settlement.
Need expert advice? Call 303-785-2828 or email Cliff Eley today for a free case evaluation.
Do not tell an adjuster there’s a possibility the injury occurred off the job.
Unless you know without a doubt the injury happened off the job, do not speculate that it may have happened somewhere else. The adjuster is looking for possible reasons to deny your claim. When you have found out for certain that a work accident caused your injury, the adjuster can use your original statement to place doubt on your application for workers’ compensation benefits.
It does not cost you anything, and it does not risk your benefits to discuss your accident and injury with an attorney at the Eley Law Firm.
Do not tell the adjuster that you really need the money right away.
The adjuster presumes that you need benefits, but you don’t want to look desperate. This is particularly true if you are negotiating a settlement. If you stress how much you need money, this could signal the adjuster that you are willing to settle your claim quickly in order to pay some immediate bills. Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer about your rights and the full value of your case. Your workers’ compensation benefits — your full benefits — are essential to getting your life back on track after a work injury.
You are welcome to bring your concerns to an attorney who has focused his entire practice on helping injured Colorado workers for more than 30 years — attorney Cliff Eley of the Eley Law Firm in Denver.