

Do Lump-Sum Payments Help or Hurt in Workers’ Comp Cases?

In some Colorado workers’ comp cases, injured workers with permanent disabilities have the option to choose a lump-sum payment instead of receiving monthly benefits. Lump-sum payments aren’t right for everyone, but in many cases, they can provide injured workers with the financial help they need to get back on their feet after a devastating injury….


3 Steps to Preventing Construction Worker Falls

Accidental falls are the most common cause of death among construction workers, both in Colorado and throughout the United States. In 2010, 264 construction workers were killed in falling accidents nationwide, representing approximately 34 percent of all construction accident deaths. Most falls can be prevented with proactive safety measures. Over the last several months, the…


Football players increasingly file traumatic brain injury lawsuits

As the Denver Broncos take the field this fall, many Colorado residents may wonder how the current concussion-related injuries will affect how the NFL chooses to protect its players from head injuries. With an increasing number of former football players suing the NFL over the traumatic brain injuries that they sustained throughout their careers, it…


Colorado Fracking Workers Face Silica Exposure Risk

Extraction work is a big part of Colorado’s economy. It is important to recognize, though, that people who work in the state’s oil and gas fields face a unique risk of injury. Not only do they frequently labor around dangerous heavy machinery, but they are also regularly exposed to hazardous substances that could cause permanent…


Colorado Firefighters Risk Injury Battling Wildfires

Pressing heat and high winds continue to put Colorado firefighters at risk of injury as they battle the wildfires that are ripping through the state. As of Monday morning, a fire near Fort Collins had destroyed at least 189 homes and burned more than 90 square miles of land. It is now about 50 percent…


Worker Dies After Being Crushed by Heavy Equipment

Working with heavy equipment can be extremely dangerous. No worker is entirely free from risk of harm, no matter how experienced or well-trained they may be. Sometimes accidents can be caused by negligent co-workers or poor safety oversight from management. In other cases, equipment may simply malfunction and give rise to an accident that causes…

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