

Are workers’ compensation benefits available for lead poisoning?

Every industry in Colorado has its unique hazards, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration prescribes regulations and guidelines that employers must enforce to ensure workplace safety. However, workers’ compensation claims for benefits follow many injuries caused by safety violations. Occupational injuries do not all result from accidents; some can be caused by a disease….


Emergency room nurses at risk for assaults

What’s the leading cause of non-fatal injuries requiring days off work in the health care and social assistance industry? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s violent assaults. Nurses working in every department of healthcare institutions face the risk of being assaulted, but it’s especially a problem in emergency rooms. Over 70% of emergency…


Widow’s death benefits reduced because of husband’s marijuana use

The widow and children of a Colorado ski worker are facing a cruel reality. The worker, Adam Lee, was crushed to death under a ski escalator at Loveland Ski Area in December 2017. Ordinarily, the worker’s dependents would be entitled to the full amount of death benefits prescribed by law, to be paid by the…


How to improve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

When your hands are your livelihood, discomfort in your hands is a frightening prospect. Feelings of numbness or tingling in your fingers could be symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Before you start to panic, know there are techniques that may improve the symptoms of carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel occurs when there is pressure on the…


Tesla threatening to withhold severance from whistleblowers

Safety in the workplace needs to be a foremost concern for large companies. This is especially true for companies in the manufacturing industry. Heavy machinery, conveyor belts, hydraulic arms and other pieces of equipment can lead to very serious injury when employees are not properly trained to use and work around them. Vehicle manufacturer Tesla,…


ACL injuries can be painful and disabling

We hear about professional athletes suffering knee injuries all the time. These can occur when undue stress is placed on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) which connects the upper and lower parts of the leg. When the knee is twisted or bends too much, the ligament can stretch or partially tear. In severe cases, the…

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