

Life-saving machine safety tips

Working around heavy machinery can become routine, and that’s when things often get dangerous. Workers forget just what risks they face or how quickly an accident can turn deadly. They grow complacent. They feel at ease. That all makes it easier for them to let their guard down and make a mistake that puts them…


A post-fracture bone infection

You fall from a ladder at work. Reaching out to catch yourself on the concrete floor, you shatter a bone in your arm. Initially, as you go to the hospital, you feel relieved that you at least avoided a head injury. This should be a fairly straightforward healing process, right? It may be, but you…


The average age of workers in various professions

If someone suffers a serious on-the-job injury, their age at the time that they get hurt can have a big impact on their future. For instance, younger workers — teens and those in their 20s — may avoid injuries more often or heal more quickly than older workers. Those who are nearing retirement age, on…


Construction site communication tips

Many construction accidents happen because of a lack of communication or due to miscommunication on the job. Workers face risks that they could all avoid if they just had a better communication strategy. For instance, imagine that you asked a coworker to set up a ladder and secure it on the top and bottom because…


Baggage handlers should always have a safe work space

Baggage handlers at airports have physical work to do as they move the luggage around. They must ensure they have everything going to the correct flights, and they have to be sure that they are keeping themselves safe. These airlines should have clear guidance for baggage handlers about what’s safe and what to avoid. There…


Even pilots can get hurt on the job

Of those who work at the airport, pilots are not people you’d think would get hurt. They take breaks between flights to rest, and they generally do very little lifting or loading onto the plane. But pilots can suffer from on-the-job injuries, too. How? Here are a few examples. One situation that can lead to…

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