

Preventing Backover Accidents

Backover accidents: They don’t happen very frequently, but when they do, they often result in death or serious injuries. A backover accident happens when a vehicle that is going in reverse hits a person who is standing, walking, or kneeling behind the vehicle. Construction workers are most susceptible to backover accidents, but they can happen…


Should hotel housekeepers have panic buttons?

Recent revelations about sexual abuse and harassment in Hollywood, the media and politics have sparked a national outcry. However, little attention has been paid to one of the occupational groups most vulnerable to sexual abuse: hotel housekeepers. Just ask any hotel housekeeper. They are regularly harassed and propositioned – and some suffer serious physical and…


Surprising facts regarding rehabilitation rights in Colorado

Whether you work in an office, on a construction site or 50 feet in the air as window washer, your employer is typically obligated to purchase insurance through the worker’s compensation program so you can collect benefits if you suffer injury on the job. Some jobs are undoubtedly more dangerous than others; however, accidents can…


Occupational hearing loss can cause permanent disability

Colorado workers in their various occupations are all exposed to the dangers inherent to their industries. Many of these hazards can cause injuries that could lead to permanent disability. Hearing loss is often overlooked because others cannot see the injury. However, it is a traumatic injury that could develop over time and be detrimental to…


Pressure washer injuries can be serious and even fatal

Even the most basic of power tools can pose serious hazards. Look at the pressure washer for example, used to clean things such as building exteriors, paved surfaces, commercial vehicles, and farm equipment. It’s far more than just a souped up garden hose. An electrically-powered industrial grade pressure washer sprays water at pressures at 1,000…


To protect your health, avoid toluene exposure

Toluene is a highly useful chemical found in a number of industrial and consumer products, including paints, metal cleaners, adhesives, nail polish, and printing inks. Toluene vaporizes when exposed to air at room temperature. That can result in serious health problems for workers who inhale even small amounts of toluene on a regular basis. Toluene…

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