
Understanding Impairment Ratings and Their Impact on Your Claim

A workplace injury can be a life-altering event, leaving you with permanent disabilities that impact your ability to work and participate in the activities that you once enjoyed. When this happens, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, including payments based on your impairment rating. But what exactly is an impairment rating, and how does it affect your claim?

What Are Impairment Ratings and How Do They Work?

An impairment rating reflects the permanent effects of a workplace injury after you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI is the point at which your condition has stabilized, and further medical treatment is unlikely to improve your condition.

Ideally, you will make a full recovery after a workplace accident. After certain injuries, however, you may be left with permanent issues such as vision or hearing loss, lack of mobility, chronic pain, or even total disability. In Colorado, the impairment rating system is used after you reach MMI to determine the extent of your permanent disability and inform the workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to receive.

How Are Impairment Ratings Assessed in Colorado?

Colorado has several rules and regulations that guide the impairment rating system, which is subject to change. Impairment ratings are expressed as a percentage, and a qualified physician will calculate yours based on the guidelines set by the state.

There are two types of impairment ratings: scheduled and whole person.

  • Scheduled impairment ratings are associated with a pre-set formula based on the affected body part’s worth according to the workers’ compensation system. For example, if your arm is worth $80,000 and you have a 50% impairment rating, you would receive $40,000 in permanent disability benefits.
  • Whole-person injuries, such as those to the head or spinal cord, are more complex. The formula for these injuries takes into account your age at MMI, your pre-injury wages, and the impairment percentage determined by the rating doctor.

How Can You Make Sure That Your Impairment Rating Is Fair?

Getting an accurate impairment rating is crucial, as it directly impacts the benefits you receive under Colorado’s workers’ compensation system. There are certain steps that you can take so that your rating accurately reflects the actual harm that you have sustained.

First, choose an experienced doctor who handles workers’ compensation cases. Provide the doctor with detailed information about the injury’s impact on your life, including any limitations or ongoing symptoms. If you disagree with your initial impairment rating, you have the right to get a second opinion from another qualified physician.

Working with a Denver workers’ compensation lawyer can also help you obtain a fair impairment rating. Your lawyer can review your medical records, identify any discrepancies or oversights, and advocate for a rating that fully encompasses the extent of your injuries. If necessary, your attorney can push back against an unfair rating, fighting to protect your rights throughout the process.

Speak to a Denver Workplace Injury Lawyer Today

If you have suffered a workplace injury in Colorado, don’t navigate the complex workers’ compensation system alone. Trust a Denver workplace injury attorney to guide you through the process, fight for your rights, and help you secure the benefits you deserve. As soon as possible after your accident, contact a lawyer to discuss your case and begin building your claim for compensation.

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